You are here: Building the Model: Advanced Elements > Attributes > Attributes and the JOIN or LOAD PERM Statement
In some cases, one entity joins onto a base entity using the JOIN or LOAD PERM statement.See Join for more information. If both the joining and base entities possess attributes before the join occurs, the resulting joined entity will possess the attribute values of the base entity. In other words, the entity with the IF Join (or IF Load) routing rule is effectively destroyed when it gets joined or permanently loaded. Consider the following diagram in which EntA joins to EntB:
The logic for the above diagram is as follows:
Process Table
Entity |
Location |
Operation (min) |
EntA |
Loc1 |
Att1 = 1 WAIT 2 min |
EntB |
Loc2 |
Att1 = 2 JOIN 1 EntA |
EntB |
Loc3 |
... |
Routing Table
Blk |
Output |
Destination |
Rule |
Move Logic |
1 |
EntA |
Loc2 |
JOIN 1 |
1 |
EntB |
Loc3 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
In the above example, EntB would have an attribute value, Att1, equal to 2 after EntA joined to EntB.